

My name is Zsolt Keszthelyi and I am currently a postdoctoral project research fellow at the Center for Computational Astrophysics, Division of Science at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan.
My research focuses on the physics and evolution of massive stars, using numerical modelling approaches.

Research Gate profile
IAU profile
Orcid ID

massive star evolution

Magnetism in High-Mass Stars

Magnetism is a general property of astrophysical plasmas. In a recent invited review paper, the topic of "Magnetism in High-Mass Stars" is discussed. The article is open-access, please find it here: Review Article.

Surface fossil magnetic fields

Surface fossil magnetic fields have a strong impact on stellar mass loss and rotation and, as a consequence, on the evolution of massive stars. See our papers here:
Paper I, Paper II, Paper III, Paper IV, and Paper V. Zenodo records are available here, here, here, here (including an open-source library of over 8,000 stellar evolution and 24,000 stellar structure models), and here.

Mass-loss rates

The magnitude and time evolution of mass-loss rates significantly affect the nature and final fate of massive stars. See our paper here. A Zenodo record is available here.


The RAMBO project is a long-term campaign to observe hot star magnetospheres in radio frequencies and describe their physical properties. See our first paper here.


Center for Computational Astrophysics, Division of Science
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan

2-21-1, Osawa, Mitaka-shi
Tokyo 181-8588
201 (Main Building / South)
zsolt DOT keszthelyi AT nao DOT ac DOT jp